#IMWAYR: Still running behind!

Y'all, this semester has been something else! I was going to find 30 minutes or an hour to finish my book and write a blog post last night, and even that wasn't doable. But at the very least, I did want to post a reminder about...

The Kidlit Lovers' Meetup!

The fourth Kidlit Lovers' Meetup, a chance for us book bloggers to hang out and connect over a Zoom call, is scheduled for:

This Saturday, September 28, 2024

4-5 PM Pacific / 5-6 PM Mountain / 6-7 PM Central / 7-8 PM Eastern

We'll be talking about books, blogging, reading, and more, and I'll have discussion questions prepared to keep the conversation going. The whole thing is designed to be very low-stress—even if you're as chronically introverted as I am, my goal is for you to still feel welcome and enjoy yourself!

You can RSVP for the meetup here, or learn more about the meetups here. Feel free to email me at completelyfullbookshelf [at] gmail [dot] com with any questions.

Please try to RSVP by the end of the day Thursday, because I will try to send the Zoom link out either on Friday or on Saturday morning!

That's all for now—fingers crossed for a calmer week for me and everyone else! ✨✨


  1. Hope your "meet-up" is a good one, Max! And you find some me-time this week, too!

  2. See you Saturday! I did send the RSVP to a friend so if you see a name you don't recognize it means she is able to attend. :-)

  3. Wish I could make it, but I have to work on Saturday night. Hope you have a great meeting!!

  4. Yay for another kidlit meetup! Thanks again for hosting these. I hope you find some time this week to finish your book. I am drowning in books right now--I counted this morning and I have 12 books that I'm currently reading, and that's TOO MUCH even for me. Of course that doesn't stop me from starting more. I just got the new Jen Wang from the library and I'm so eager to start it....


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