Merry Christmas!

If you celebrate, I hope you are having a delightful holiday filled with family (at least the ones you can stand!), love, maybe a little snow or some good food, and of course, NEW BOOKS!!!

Top to bottom: Banned Book Club, Living with Viola, I Am Not Okay With This, Just Roll With It, Stepping Stones, Huda F Are You?, A-Okay, Tidesong, The Leak, The Beatryce Prophecy, Big Boned, Dragon Hoops, Yolk, Borders, Punch Me Up to the Gods, Milo Imagines the World, Migrants, Making a Great Exhibition, and It Fell From the Sky
My Christmas book haul!!


  1. What a great stack of books! I hope you had a fantastic day with family.

    1. Thank you! And I had a very nice day with family—I hope you did as well! Thanks so much for stopping by, Helen!

  2. I hope you had a love Christmas as well. Have fun with all those books!

    1. Thank you! I hope you enjoyed your Christmas as well, and thanks so much for stopping by, Rosi!

  3. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas!

    1. I did—I hope you did as well! Thanks so much for stopping by, Jen!

  4. You have so many great books to close out this year and to keep you company in 2022!

    1. I'm super-excited to try them all out—it should keep me very busy in 2022! Thanks so much for stopping by, Earl!

  5. Wow, your family must know you well! What a great stack of books - they all look right up your alley :) I'm particularly intrigued by Huda F Are You? ha ha Dragon Hoops is very good.

    Hope you are enjoying your break and reading a lot!

    Book By Book

    1. They are definitely all right up my alley! It's a great mix of things I asked for and things my family picked out, all of which look great. Huda F Are You? is definitely a great title, and I recall you really enjoying Dragon Hoops, so I hope to cram that in at some point too. Thanks so much for stopping by, Sue!

  6. Whoa. That's OUTSTANDING, Max!! (And I'm trying my hardest to just be SUPER DUPER happy for you while being TOTALLY NOT jealous. At all. Not even a little bit. 😜 Can't wait to hear your thoughts on all these great books! ❤️

    1. Ha—thank you! And at least, if half of them end up being not worth reading, I'll have spent my time reading/reviewing them and you won't have to! Thanks so much for stopping by, Shaye!


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